Romans 13:1-7 - God's Authorities - Servants for Our Good

God is the judge of everything.  The Bible tells of God’s vengeance and judgment here on earth in addition to eternal judgment.  We are saved from eternal punishment, hell, by God.  He changes us into new people when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  If you haven’t asked God to forgive you of your sins, then do so; accept Him now as your Lord and Savior.  Then everything changes.  A whole new ball game.  A whole new life!  This passage reminds us that there are judgments and punishments here on earth and a final judgment day (2 Peter 3) that is not here yet - but it is drawing nearer.  

In this short life, we wage daily war in the battle between our evil desires and the right living that comes from letting ourselves be clothed and guided by the King of Kings.

Today’s battle, like every day, requires God’s people to hate what is wrong - and to “remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living” (13:12).  We hear God say clearly here that we are not to participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness.  As we’ll see in the next chapter the the “Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (14:17).  So this does not mean that you can not have a beer with friends or a glass of wine to celebrate a sacred marriage or a job well done.  Instead, it means just what it says.  You know very well the difference between dark deeds and drunkenness and right living.  And if one drink causes you or others to stumble then have no alcohol at all.  Grow up.  Use Christlike judgment (14:23).  A Christian man must hate sexual promiscuity and immoral living, quarreling, and jealousy.  Those are all evil.  Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

Now, back to the point of this passage.  This concept of right living is essential.  The concept of putting on the armor of right living and clothing ourselves with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If Jesus is with us we will act in a way that pleases Him.  We see in this chapter that this Christian code of conduct means a lot to God.  He will use the authorities of the world to punish bad conduct.  God is of order, not chaos.  All authority comes from Him.  And those in positions of authority are placed there by God.  Are you a peace officer?  A police officer?  A regulator or a government administrator?  What a noble calling.  You are a servant of God - His instrument of good for our communities.

Rather than respecting the authorities as God commands here, we often hear disrespect of the authorities and see organizations use the defense of Christian persecution to cloak what may very well be God correcting and punishing bad behavior in the Church.

        We see Christian principles here of transparency and right living.  Christians must do what is right and the authorities will honor us.  All authorities are subject to God.  He will judge them.  And He has the power today to remove them if He so chooses.  If they are proud, arrogant, or crooked, then they are subject to His wrath (12:19 and Psalm 94:1).  We are not called to follow evil, participate in evil, or protect wicked rulers.  We are to live exemplary lives and to lead well and justly when we have positions of authority.

God judges every man and woman.  Have an attitude today of respecting the authorities God has in place, God’s governing authorities.  Don’t confuse this to mean that if you hold some position of power you can lord it over others - that is not at all what this passage is authorizing.  It is about us not being fearful and an admonition to right living.  God expects us to hate what is wrong and to conquer evil by doing good.  Let’s do just that with clear consciences.

Lord Jesus, please raise up good, godly leaders today.  Please bless your authorities as instruments of your justice and goodness.  I want to be clothed with your presence and pray for your blessing on my family and our community today.  Amen.

Arch in his Calgary Flames Goalie outfit.


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