Hebrews 6 - Faith and Endurance

These next two chapters of Hebrews are incredibly encouraging for the Christian.  God gives us confidence and courage to do what we must.  When the whistle blows, be ready to go.  God in Heaven is developing your character; He’s preparing you to fight His battles.

        We are responsible to grow.  We know that God repays people for the wrong they have done (Jeremiah 50:24).  And that God uses whomsoever He chooses as His instruments of justice (Jeremiah 50:20).  “For the LORD is a God who gives just punishment; he always repays in full” (Jeremiah 50:56).

Thinking of God’s character is sobering, and good.  We know Jesus is the King, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.  In the next few chapters, we hear the truth about who Jesus is and our responsibilities to Him.

Nearly 2,000 years after the death, burial, and resurrection of our King we are reminded that there are false teachers today - those leading people astray for power and greed - just as there were with the early Church.  I sense an awakening of the modern church.  We are getting wise to the celebrity carnival barkers who repeat their mantras with confidence no matter how at odds their message is with Scripture.

It is time that we yearn for maturity and understanding.  We must grow in Christ.  Let’s help each other get out of neutral and out of the muck.  With courage, we can speak the truth in love and expose those who aim to abuse and deceive.

Let us not seek anything but God’s approval.  Do not be ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16), for it has the power to save your soul.

        We know that some people have tasted God’s goodness, but they like the taste of what the world offers better.  They not only deceive themselves, but they sell their way to others.  They are skilled salesmen; they could sell ice to Eskimos.

        As this passage explains you can tell good ground from the good crop it produces (6:7).  And vice versa you can see fields with only thorns and thistles (6:8).  Look for signs of love and respect for God’s standards.  Hard work.  Depth.  Sincerity.  Originality.  Humility.  A refusal to play the victim or to accept praise.  Reliance on the Creator.  And peace that can only be from the Holy Spirit.

        And be prepared to describe the thistles for what they are: superficial, gaslighting, conniving, crafty, deceptive, and despite the bravado and the appearances - weak and cowardly men.  There is no excellence in what they do.  Their gospel is cheap.  No remorse for sin or reverence of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.  To them, God is just a tool to achieve their worldly ambitions.

Am I wrong?  Does Hebrews 6 overstate it?  God help us!  And He will.  

Lord Jesus, thank you for this glorious day.  We know You are Good, and that You love Your Church and expect her to live up to the high standards for which she is called.  Please revive us all in truth and goodness.  May Your people today be examples of those who will inherit Your promises; please increase our faith and endurance.  Amen.

La Sagrada Familia.  A good reminder of how God's people are created in the image of God with creative abilities.  Build to last.  For what we do in our brief time has an eternal impact.


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