
 James 3:13 - Pura Vida! We often hear that there is a special place in hell for certain people: dictators, abusers, greedy bankers, etc.  Perhaps that’s true, we leave judgment of men’s souls to Jesus as that is His realm alone.  Consistent with 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 we hear in James that there will be a judgment of the believer (no mercy to those who have not shown mercy, 2:13) and that some believers are held to a higher standard.  But who does the Bible say will be judged more strictly? Those who teach the Bible (3:1)!  Well, if that isn’t sobering.  I don’t claim to be wise or to understand God’s ways - but I want to be wise and to have understanding.  Like you, I want my life to be meaningful.  Nay, godly.  But we find out in this chapter that there is a big difference between what is holy and what is not holy - selfish ambition and jealousy on one hand and purity and humble work for God’s way on the other.           So let’s take this verse seriously.  It’s a verse that says,
 James 2 - A Day of Good Deeds I remember my AAA Midget hockey coach telling me my first year in the league that his captain the year before, his best player, would never go on to the NHL because he wasn’t coachable.  I thought that odd, but he was right.  Many guys I played with were talented but lacked vision, drive, or coachability.  Others were much less talented, but they abounded in cocky Canadian hockey confidence.  And they were coachable.  As for me, I was pretty stubborn, and still am.  I indeed need the challenge from Saint James to grow, to be coachable, and to be useful to God. As Christian brothers and sisters, it’s reasonable to ask ourselves if we really want to grow.  Do we want God to teach us?  Are we satisfied with our bad habits, or do we want to honor God, nay, obey God?  It's easy for me to point out the speck in your eye, but what about my eyes, are they clear? Everyone has some sort of plan.  Even no plan is a plan.  So we might as well make good ones
 James 2:1-4 - Good Deeds - Holiness “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?  For example, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, “You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor”—well, doesn’t this discrimination show that your judgments are guided by evil motives?” (James 2:1-4) Well, this is about as hard a passage as you will find in Scripture.  It is hard because it shows God’s never-changing standard of justice and our Father’s command for holiness in personal conduct.  And, frankly, it calls out what fools and frauds we can be.  James was calling out the evil partiality of the ancient churchman and he just as much can call out the same today. What does God think of the poor
 James 2 - Faith and Actions The Bible says that the wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble, and give birth to lies (Psalm 7:14).  This passage in James, consistent with all Scripture, tells us that we must repent of our sins, and put our faith in Christ into action.  You see, evil motives and actions come in many forms.  God sees it all.  He knows our thoughts, actions, and everything in our minds and hearts.  But God is also for us; He's never against us.  James nails it here.  He puts his finger on the Achilles heel of the ancient and modern churchman.  He asks us this haunting question, “How can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others” (James 2:1). God never changes or casts a shifting shadow.  I suspect we'll fully agree there.  God gives mankind a way to eternal life: through the Cross of Jesus Christ.  Make no mistake, God is and always will be, God.  He alone provides the way of Salvation.  God&#
James 1 - Grace and Endurance Thank God for James, the Lord Jesus’s younger brother.  Thank God for his no-nonsense straight talk.  And for all the straight talkers who call a spade a spade.  Those who care enough to speak the truth.  What good is it if we fool ourselves with worthless religion?  Why gain the whole world and lose our souls? I thank God in Heaven that He listens to our prayers.  I know that God listens to our prayers.  And I thank God that He does not judge us in His anger.  God's justice is loving, good, and pure; He’s slow to anger, merciful, and just.  Notice here that God desires us to be just.  Like Him.  He wants us to be great listeners, self-controlled, deliberate talkers, and slow to get angry. There are imperatives here.  We must get rid of the filth and evil in our lives.  Bitterness.  Lust.  Greed.  Laziness.  Pride.  Arrogance.  Lack of concern for widows, orphans, prisoners, and people in need of rescue, care, and provision.  Lies.  Half-truths
 James 1 - Grow in Wisdom Oh, the secret of life.  It is so elusive.  And yet we have it, right here in this chapter.  We are told the reality of this life - it’s a consistent message throughout Scripture.  It is a matter of our minds and hearts.  It’s a matter of repentance of sin and allegiance to God. In the Bible, we hear of ancient Israel’s leaders who set up idols in their hearts (love of power and money - polluted hearts). They embraced things of the world and cemented their patterns of sin.  God was clear that He did not cause their bad behavior, but He certainly had good cause to condemn it (Ezekiel 14). There is nothing new under the sun.  We too share the human condition.  This chapter is about loyalty to God, growing our faith and endurance, and trusting in God.  It is the Christian growth mindset.  Our faith will be tested.  When it is tested our endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow!           Thank God that we do not have a fixed amount of wisdom.  God is
 Hebrews 13 - You are Equipped to Do God’s Will Sorry, I can’t help myself, one more on Hebrews then we’ll move on to James.  Thanks for bearing with me. We need good teaching.  Each of us.  We often forget how much our leaders of character, like Churchhill, read and learned from others.  Despite difficulty in learning (he flunked the Sandhurst entrance test two times - thank God for second and third chances - that would become a characteristic of Winston's perseverant life!) Churchill was a voracious reader, knew the Bible by heart, and soaked up the example of good leadership via experience in the House as a young MP and then off and on for the rest of his life, in the Cabinet.  And he learned from his mistakes (i.e. think of how he went to fight in the trenches during the Great War after the debacle in Gallipoli).  How many men would willingly go from Cabinet to the front lines?  I suggest you could count them on one hand. More than ever we need God-fearing, battle-tested