James 5 - Men of God, Be Courageous

God’s way is better.  Much better.  God is at work in every epoch, nay, in every situation.  He is not the ambivalent watchmaker.  On the contrary, He makes His purpose, mercy, and might known daily.  As sure as the sun rises God reigns.

Many, like the Egyptians described in Ezekiel 30, find out their way (the hard way) that the Great I am is the LORD.

Others (like you) hear God’s call and what God has done for them (sending the Son of God to bring glory to God and raising the Son from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit) and have faith in the Great I am.  Through faith in Jesus Christ believers “are loved by God and are called to be his own holy people” (Romans 1:7).

Pray for today's opportunity to encourage believers and share God’s promised Good News.  The King’s return is near.  The power of God is at work saving everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

God never stops working.  In this short life neither shall we.  Press on.  Pray.  Pray for each other.  Stop looking for an easy street - instead look for Straight Street - for you belong on the righteous path.  Confess your sins to each other pray, and trust God for wonderful results.

All good things come in time.  Marriage.  Family.  Cleansing and refreshing rain.  And rich Saskatchwanian harvests.  As men of God, we must have true humility.  This means knowing and acknowledging full well where good things come from. Not from you, or me.  All good things come down to us from God the Father.

        And we must fear God with reverence and obedience.  This means knowing and sharing with each other the consequences and calamity of rebellion against God and disobedience to His good proverbs.  Let us fear God today with purity and holiness.  This means we change our behavior based on what God wants.  Be like Jesus.  And be like Paul and James.  God says we should not befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people (Proverbs 22).  So don’t.  Stop it.  Otherwise, we are playing games with our souls.  It is just not worth it.  Nothing is worth losing your soul.

Lord Jesus, please help us to obey you today.  And to know your power as we patiently await your return.  Please give us opportunities today to speak the truth and to encourage believers to press on.  Amen.

With our grandsons at the Heritage Museum in Staunton, Virginia.


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