Hebrews 1 - The King

It's a good day for trading.  I’ve made a lot of bad trades over the years.  But there are good trades, nay, great trades available today.  A lot of us wait decades, clinging to our old ways - doubling down on what we know is unfulfilling.  I’m tired of my way; I want God’s way.  Give up sickness, so-called freedom (stubbornness really), selfishness, and pride - in return receive God’s way, the real good life, with wisdom, freedom in Christ, and joy.  I’m ready for that trade.  I’m ready to grow in Christ. 

Please pour out your oil of joy in us Lord Jesus.  Please refresh our souls with goodness, kindness, and godly confidence.

These final days - the church age if you will - spans from when Jesus finished His rescue mission on earth, and sat down in heaven (1:3), until His return to earth.  Some think that Jesus does not yet reign and that the final days are some far-off future time.  I have no doubt that Jesus reigns today (Revelation 19:6).

Jesus is God (1:3, 1:6, 1:8-12).  He is fully God.  Jesus existed before creation.  He created all things.  Jesus is worshipped by all of God’s angels.  He is King.  His throne rules forever and ever.  He rules with justice, for God loves justice and hates evil.  Jesus made the foundations of the earth and He made the heavens with the same hands that were nailed to the cross (1:10) for our sins.  It is Jesus, our God, and our Savior, who will fold up creation at the end of these final days - just like He would fold up and discard old clothing.  All of Jesus’ enemies will be humbled.

Let’s increase our trust in Jesus today and make good trades.  We don’t need to know it all.  There is much we don’t know.  That’s okay.  We have little evidence or understanding of angels for instance - outside of what the Bible tells us (see Luke 2:13).  They are God’s servants, the soldiers in the Armies of Heaven.  They have names and important roles as God sends them forth to do His work (1:14).  Trust that Lord God Almighty is for you today.  For He is.

Lord Jesus, I know you are God.  I don’t know much, but I know you are LORD, and God, and King.  You are the Good Shepherd.  Please send forth your angels today to care for your people who will inherit salvation.

Please care for our families today and please care for our friends.  We need you.  And love you, Lord God.  Amen.

Jackson, our oldest grandson (six years ago!).  We are eagerly waiting for our fourth grandson to arrive in April.


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