Titus 2:3-5 - The Grandmas

Teaching impacts living.  What we teach and what we learn (and refuse to learn) will define our lives.  I fear we’ve been too timid in preaching NT living, wholesome living.  The New Testament is filled with examples of how the church family is to live.  We really have no excuse.  But time and again we defer to those who advocate for the world.  Yet another attempt to be culturally relevant.  We yield where we should assert, and vice versa.

This Scripture reminds us that it is the Christian way to promote wholesome living.  God is a gentleman.  He does not force.  But He indeed promotes.  There is no better Teacher than the Holy Spirit.  The family of God is to live in a way that honors God.  That is the healthy life; the Good Life.  The pursuit of happiness is godliness.  Putting God first always produces good results.  We know it.  Now the challenge is to live wisely.  And put it into action.

So, just as Chuck Colson asked and answered years ago, we too need to ask the question.  What is good living?  How should we live?

        I suggest we turn to God’s word for the answer.  And be honest when doing so.  Don’t put up dumb straw man arguments.  And don’t pretend that the Jewish civil and ceremonial law that was forever made obsolete (Acts 10:9-16) is our standard.  It is not.  The modern fortune tellers' legalism has anything to do with the disciples of Christ.  They do not.  We are not legalists.  We are not known for the rules we keep.  We are God's people, the people of the New Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:1-18).  We are known for our love and patience.  And for living in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God.

Lord God, we’re sorry for refusing to follow your Way in Scripture.  Open our hearts and ears to understand how to live your Good Life.  Now and for eternity.  Amen.

We are God’s people.  I guess we know that but we obviously need the reminder from Titus 2.  God revealed His grace - His kindness and love - bringing salvation to all people (2:11).  God chose to save for eternity any person who believes that Jesus Christ gave His life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us His very own people (2:14).

        Cultists and those stuck on theological systems such as dispensationalism will hate to hear that verse, but it is the truth.  Those who believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, are His people.

        What's the mindset of the Christian?  We hear in Titus the mindset of every Christian of every age group.  One thing you do not see in God’s way is elitism.  In the family of God, there are God-ordained and God-determined roles, but never based on money, pedigree, ancestry, or title.  In Scripture, God detests those who lord their authority over others.  It is the Pharisees and the religious hypocrites, the powermongers, that face the wrath of God.  

        Oddly, it seems the secular business world has come to understand the damage of doing things the world's way.  Elitism is a cancer.  Jack Walsh did a great job at GE getting rid of a culture of entitlement and elitism.   Sadly we see elitism all over the modern church.  Many churches look more like paramilitary organizations than New Testament churches.  Just look at a lot of websites for religious organizations.  You see “Senior Leadership” and “Staff” in many of the titles.  They don’t even try to hide it - the message is not subtle at all - the chosen ones are there to be served by the lowly staff.  The Egyptian way.  A bunch of Pharoh wannabes.

        1 Peter 5:3 makes it very clear what the church standard is - we are to be servant leaders.  Never, ever lord your authority over others.  Always serve.  As conservatives, we are quick to point out that God will not bless liberal theology and churches that don’t follow God’s word.  Amen.  I agree.  But listen, you hypocrites who lord your authority over others, those who seek to take rather than give, and who structure your organizations based on hierarchy rather than God’s servant leadership model: let’s implement God's principles in all we do.  Okay, back to Titus 2.

        This passage builds on the growth mindset of the Christian and adds to it.  We hear that our mindset is that we are always ready to do what is good.  Always prepared.  Always ready.  Hashtag goodness mindset.

        If you are an older woman, a grandma, or old enough to be a grandma then this passage says you must have this goodness mindset.  In addition to your roles and responsibilities, God gives each woman a special gift.  It’s a gift from the Holy Spirit.  True too of each man that believes in Jesus.  And women, again like men, have God-designed roles and responsibilities that are exclusive to women.  The question Paul asks of us to test ourselves is this, are we living in a way that honors God?  If not, change course.  Speak well of others.  Drink responsibly.  Be charitable, wise, pure, and sincere.

        Women must never be held back from fully pursuing their God-ordained potential.  We hear in this Scripture that women must be trained and taught well so that they may reach their full potential in Jesus Christ.  Just like we heard earlier in Scripture about the older men.

        God determines our mission and calling.  We see from Scripture (Proverbs 31 and Titus 2) that godly women are strong, wise, loving, and industrious.  Godly women are fiercely entrepreneurial, brave, courageous, and loyal to their families.  Always prepared, always ready to do what is good.  

        Many hate God’s way.  They don’t like at all what God designed as the sacred family unit.  God says in Scripture that it is ludicrous to even ask if a man can give birth to a woman (Jeremiah 30:6).  But that does not stop those who hate God’s standards from turning them upside down.

        Those who oppose godly living and God’s standards have the burden of proof that the devil’s way is a better life, a happier and more joyful life.  It’s an untenable position and an unprovable conclusion.  That won’t stop them from trying, but I gladly follow God and trust His self-evident way.  His good, pleasing, and perfect way.

        Training and wholesome teaching is essential.  The older women have teaching, training, and modeling responsibilities.  They must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and to be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands (Titus 2:4-5).  That is a tall task and a lifelong calling and responsibility.  But it truly is a good life.

        What a great responsibility to follow Jesus’ way to teach others what is good and to treat the younger women well.  I’m so thankful to see how my wife leads the younger women.  She is so patient, yet direct.  She uses her influence daily to encourage the younger women in her life with God’s truth.  She's the hardest worker in our household.  She leads by example.  Never be ashamed of God’s way for the devil’s way seeks to destroy - and God gives good gift after good gift.  There is no comparison.

        One or two more thoughts.  I can’t submit to Jesus unless I know He loves me.  I know He loves me completely.  He died on the cross for my sins.  Following Jesus requires that we trust Him.  He’s with us through thick and thin good times and hard times.

        Men.  Your wives must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you love God.  And that you love them completely.  You want to spend time with them and share every bit of this short life with them.  Let your wife know today.  Marriage is sacred because God designed it.  Men.  No matter what let your wife know that you are there for her, ready to lay down your life for your wife and your family if need be.  Our love for our wives is pure because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross.  And yes, your wife must trust you.  We earn trust.  Only God is truly trustworthy, but as His followers, we model our lives after Him in service to others and gain the love trust, and respect of those we serve.

        Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your word, and for teaching us what we need to know and what we need to teach in the church.  Help us to have healthy families.  Strong women.  Godly women.  Living in a way that honors God.  Please bless the women of the church today.  May no follower of Jesus disgrace the word of God by how we treat others.  May we encourage others today.  May we be prepared and always ready to do what is good.  Amen.

My mom and dad (and grandparents) on their wedding day.  My brothers and I are blessed by godly, humble parents.


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