2 Timothy 2:11-18 - Work Hard

        Well, if nothing else modern church is brazenly confident.  It is good to be confident, but it depends on the object of that confidence.  We hear in Romans 12:3 and Galatians 6:3-6 a warning against being prideful, arrogant, and stubborn.  Instead, we are warned not to get puffed up and to think we are more important than we really are. We are to think sensibly and have a sober, honest assessment of our faith and our work.  This passage warns us against dysfunction and bad theology.  It spreads like a cancer.  

        We hear that even in the early church there were false teachers and those with corrupt minds, trapped by the love of money - Satan’s trap.  Many have turned their backs on God.  Their claims and arrogance are outrageous.  To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy (1 Timothy 6:5).

        So yes, take it to the bank, just like in the case of Hymenaeus and Philetus people can and do leave the path of truth (2:18).  The Bible says if you deny God, He will deny you (2:12).  Never deny God.  Never leave the path of truth.  If you’ve drifted, get back on track.  If you are totally off track, turn around.  I’ve prayed this morning for open doors for the godly and for God to step in and protect the righteous.  We know quite well that there will be suffering and death and hardship.  But God cannot deny who He is: He always remains faithful even if we are unfaithful.  

        So, what do we do?  Well, let’s start with this: stop fighting.  Stop having to be right all the time.  Stop quarreling over stupid thighs.  People want to quibble over words, fine - let them.  Such arguments are useless.  And yes, all of these things have consequences.  When the world sees the church in dysfunction, family squabbles, and worldly objectives it causes many to reject the truth.  God forbid that be God's honest assessment of our lives (2:14).

        Correct us Lord Jesus, but please be gentle (Jeremiah 10:23).  Please give us your wisdom today to know how to work hard and to correctly explain the word of truth.  May we show how much we love you by how much we love and care for other people today?  Amen. 

Arch - our three-year-old grandson.  One of the blessings of living in LYH is spending time with our family.


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