Ephesians 1 - Plan and Work the Plan

The ancient words of God are astonishing.  They are not dead or irrelevant.  On the contrary, they are active - ready to push and prod, highlight, persuade, enlighten, rebuke, direct, teach, and show us who God is and what He’s promised.

Two things must happen before this mysterious book of the Bible is set alive, opened, and activated before your very eyes.  Otherwise, it runs the risk of merely being an interesting, confusing, intellectual, and historical read.

        Once activated, a switch is turned.  An eternal switch.  A bright light.  It is often startling, sometimes dim yet increasing in brightness the more connected to the power Source.  The power of a billion suns is at our fingertips.  Beware of this activation, for it has the power to save your soul.

First, you must hear the truth, the Good News that it is the Father God alone who saves you.  Almighty God purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son to forgive our sins.

        Second, after you hear this message of truth from the Creator of the Universe, you must believe it.  You must have faith in Jesus Christ - even a small amount of faith, like a mustard seed.  And like a nuclear reaction the guarantee of God’s promise, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer and gives you new life.  You are a new creation and you can now see.  The scales fall away from your eyes - sometimes bit by bit, scale by scale - and other times like the swift opening of a window shade flooding the room with light on a bright afternoon.

        Let us read Ephesians knowing it is God's word that floods our hearts with light as we listen closely to Him.

This passage tells us that Lord Jesus Christ is now in heaven and that God has given Him authority over all things (1:22).  Christ’s authority is above all leaders, rules, and powers - and Christ’s authority is not only above all powers on this earth today, but in the guaranteed world to come (1:21).

We hear that God has always had a perfect plan that fulfills His own good pleasure.  “And this is the plan: At the right time, he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ - everything in heaven and on earth” (1:10).  

God has always desired to have a people purchased by the blood of His Son, showered with His kindness, grace, wisdom, and understanding.  God is pouring out his love over you today.  Accept Him for His word.  He loves you completely.

We are now, through Christ Jesus our Saviour, united with God.  And we trust God to work everything out for the fulfillment of God’s good plan.

Today, all around the world people will hear the Good News that God loves them and calls them to forgiveness.  And when they believe in Christ, God will identify them as his own by giving them the Holy Spirit.  

Let us trust in God today and His plan.  He is working it out.  His Kingdom is advancing, growing in number day by day.  Thank God for His patience and love for more and more to trust in His Son.

Don’t be discouraged today by the fat cats of the world who wear pride like a jeweled necklace (Psalm 73:6-7).  God tells us to not mind them as they are on a very slippery path over the cliff of destruction (Ps. 73:18).

Instead, trust God.  God guides us with His counsel.  He leads us on a much different path.  A path to a glorious destiny and inheritance (Psalm 73:24).  Many will turn away from God and perish (Ps. 73:27), but you have confident faith in God and He will protect you and be faithful to his promise to give you an eternal inheritance.

Let’s work hard today.  Let us serve well and see our dreams come true (Proverbs 13:19).  

        May Jesus Christ who has authority over all things be our shelter, the strength of our hearts.   And may we hear his counsel today and walk boldly, humbly, and confidently on His path.  Amen.

Our five kids, circa 2003 in Calgary.  Our prayer for them is that they follow God with all their hearts and that they be faithful friends to each other.


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