Galatians 1:6-10 - Stand for Truth

Death is not the worst thing that can happen to us.  Life is short.  And yes, filled with troubles and trying times.  We look forward to eternity with God.  We may have a lot of tough seasons here, but the best truly is yet to come.  God is good to us in this earthly life and He gives us a foretaste, more than enough light, to show us that we can trust His eternal promises.

God knows our troubles and heartache.  He understands our frustration with injustice.  He is well aware of our sorrow.  The Bible says that God knows the count of each tear that falls (Psalm 56:8).  David had his fair share of tears.  So did Job, Abraham, Sarah, and so many other Bible characters.

        In the New Testament, we see the paradox of incredible trials juxtaposed with the miraculous advance of God’s people.  Be brave.  Our enemies will retreat when we call God for help.  Be intentional to know God more.  Know His character through what you read in the Bible, prayer, and through a sacrifice of thanks for how God has provided for you over the years and His constant comfort.  Trust Him.  And let us praise him with clear consciences this Lord’s Day as we encourage each other to obey Him.  May we walk in God’s presence - in His life-giving light (Psalm 56:13).

The love of Father God fills his children.  It fills us with love for God and for His Cause.  Test yourself.  What love and desire fills you?  Do we love and crave more and more physical pleasure, experiences, achievements, and possessions?  Is your worldly self-worth written on your license plate? (If so, go to the DMV today and change it - yes it matters.)  The Bible says that if we love these worldly things we do not have the love of the Father in us.  Yikes.  We repent of worldly desires and cravings.  We do have the love of the Father in us and we are eager to do what pleases God today.

We must follow the Good News under the New Covenant of Jesus Christ up until the time our souls leave these earthly tents.  Then we will go to our permanent home.

The Bible makes crystal clear that our minds and consciences as Christian men and women may be persuaded and corrupted by false teachings and immoral actions.  The message is, “Wake up, church!  There are scam artists, minions of the devil, who twist the truth about Jesus Christ.  They teach us a different way that pretends to be the Good News, but it leads to no inheritance as a child of God.”  

Paul says,” Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including us or even an angel from heaven, who preaches a different kind of Good News than the one we preached to you. (v.8)”  That’s pretty clear.

We must know and preach who God is, what Jesus did for us, and what it means for how we live each day in this evil world.

Paul knew the reality of the hard work to testify about God and to build the church.  God had a difficult, critical, marvelous role for Paul in proclaiming the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles.  Paul’s obligation was to God, not Jewish leaders, groups of people, church leaders, or anyone else.

How about you and me?  Do we know our obligation before Jesus Christ?  Do we defer to men to please them and win their approval?  You say it’s different for you because Jesus didn’t reveal himself directly to you.  I say the Spirit of Christ is revealing Himself to you right now through God’s inspired ancient truth, new today as it is every day.  

Today, just like 2,000 years ago, false teachers put all sorts of man-made regulations on people, rules that are not from God.  False teachers preach legalism and burden Christians with hurdles, rules, and roadblocks to keep themselves in power and entangle men and women in slavery to sin.  Have no part of it. 

        Lord Jesus, may the meaning of your death be clear to us today.  Father God, please encourage your people to speak the Truth in love and to reject anyone who teaches a false Gospel and who attempts to take away the freedom we have in your Son.  Lord God, please protect us and embolden us today.  Amen.

Back in the day, with my daughter, Meghan, getting ready to cheer for our team (Flames fans know the best is yet to come...)


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