Galatians 1:1-7 - Unity of Purpose

Genuine Christians are not people pleasers.  That’s not our mindset.  We are loving and kind.  We seek to imitate Jesus through the fruit of the Holy Spirit's work in us.  We seek God’s approval.  What we prioritize matters.  Do you prioritize seeking God's favor, blessing, and the riches of His table?  Or His nod of approval for a job well done?

        We see in Galatians, God exposing Christian hypocrisy.  No human, in our human nature, is truly wise and seeking God (Psalm 53), yet God is wise; He will give us wisdom if we ask Him (James 1).  Let's do that today.  We need God's wisdom more than ever.

Make no mistake, Christians can be fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth (v.7).  Some people seek to destroy God’s church.  But miraculously those same people through the revelation of God and transformation from the Holy Spirit can become preachers of God’s new covenant.  Don't buy into modern Christian aristocracy.  God is not looking for pedigree Christians or dynasty Christians.  He's looking for men who know they are sinners saved only by the Grace of Jesus Christ.  Those who are willing to serve God and to accept the gifting of other saved sinners and accept them as equals, co-workers for Jesus.

Let us work today to seek God’s approval and advance the Kingdom of God by living out the truth of the gospel message.  

Paul makes clear that his appointment as an apostle was from Jesus Christ and God the Father.  This is key because the message of Galatians, that we are no longer obligated to follow the Law of Moses, is a message from God.  Where we find our salvation is critical to our eternity and to our transformation into a new creation in Christ in this earthly life.  Your parents don't save you, nor your money, your boss, or any earthly privilege.

Please note Paul's tone of conciliation, consensus, and unity.  Paul says that all the brothers join him in sending this letter to the churches in Galatia.  Paul is mindful of Christ’s prayer, nay, command, that his people be unified.  So you see there is a principle of authority and responsibility to our Holy God and the need for Christian men and women to be unified in understanding, thought, and deed.

        Oh, how we’ve missed this mark.  We fight.  We sue.  We squabble, argue, and divide.  We jockey for power and those with power and authority seek more.  To our great shame, we are no model of authority from Christ and unity in Jesus.  

Let us repent of that failing right now.  Never forget that God is the Giver of all good gifts.  He’s the One who gives grace and peace.  Never forget what Jesus and God the Father did for us.  Jesus gave his life for our sins just as God our Father planned, to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.

Oh Lord God, thank you for your Grand Plan.  Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and rescuing me from this evil world.

May we know and be thankful for God’s freedom today.  May we live directed by God in unity through the Spirit of Christ.  Amen.

Kari and our dog, Trigger.


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