2 Corinthians 11: - Love the Church

Christians, genuine believers in Christ, please hear this Gospel call to be burdened for God’s church.  Our goal is to see God’s church with pure and undivided devotion to Christ.  May we love and care for the church as God does.  It is a jealous love, a love that shall not be corrupted by multiple lovers.

        This passage packs a hard punch.  There are false preachers.  They preach a different Jesus, a different Spirit, and a different gospel than the one preached by the apostles of Jesus Christ.  This passage says they are servants of Satan (v. 15).  They are masters of disguise.  But they are recognizable.  By their boasting, their fruit, and their greed.

It’s a little awkward to use the metaphors used in this passage today (pure bride with undivided loyalty).  We don’t want to offend anyone.  We, like the ancient Corinthians, want to make everyone happy.

But God so loved us that He gave us his Son as a Saviour, a Rescuer, a King.  Jesus Christ offers us forgiveness for our sins, making us pure and undefiled before the Creator of the Universe when we turn to Him and ask for the forgiveness that only He can give.  

Our response to God’s Marvelous Gift is pure and undivided devotion to Christ our King.  We must not be adulterous people, dabbling in sin, darkness, and the wicked dark deeds of Satan and his servants.

We are called to be pure, holy.  Even preaching this type of message today puts a target on your back.  So be it.  Paul’s back had many scars proving he was willing to preach the truth.

Genuine love requires we never happily put up with whatever nonsense anyone tells us.  The sheep are so easily led astray.  Do not put up with Satan’s servants, well-fed deceivers, those who preach a false twisted message of God’s new covenant in Christ mixed with legalism, greed, and deception. That is obviously unwise.  It does not end well. 

This passage tells us what Satan wants.  He wants to enslave you, take everything you have, take advantage of you, take control of everything, and then as if that wasn’t enough, slap you in the face (v.20).

Thank God for His divine throne that endures forever; and, that God rules with a scepter of justice (Psalm 45:6).  Satan’s servants will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve (v. 15).

Lord Jesus, thank you for the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us and guiding us today.  We need protection and direction.  We are easily led astray.  May we live today with purity and holiness, rejecting the devil and deceitful workers who disguise themselves as followers of Christ.  Let our standard be one of pure Light.  Amen.

With Kari on the James River.


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