2 Corinthians 10:7 - Authority Used Well

Some people can’t handle even the least amount of authority.  We see principles of properly used God-given authority in this passage.  If you’ve been in the business world for even a short while you’ve seen all sorts of leaders.  You’ve seen managers and leaders boasting and taking credit for the work others have done.  Paul says Christian men should never do that.  You’ve seen people lord their authority over others, treat them poorly, and tear them down; never do that.

Paul’s tone hear is remarkable.  His words are filled with love, authenticity, power, and authority.  He is begging the Corinthians to turn to godliness and away from false teachers.  He makes it clear that he knows his mission and his God-given authority.  Yet listen closely.  Paul uses the plural “us” and “our” to refer to the spiritual authority God gave them (10:8).  Paul was an apostle appointed by Jesus Christ himself (Galatians 1:1). Yet, he knew the value of shared authority, good governance, proper deference to God and to godly people, and the humble reverence and fear of God recognizing the heavy responsibility each of us is given.

        Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe each person indwelled by the Holy Spirit has God-given authority and responsibility.  Yes, you have authority.  And responsibility.  The responsibility and authority to destroy proud obstacles that keep people from God.  The power to capture rebellious thoughts and to teach people to obey Christ.  The command to pray in the name of Jesus Christ and to positively impact the natural world via the spiritual world.  It is the authority of the minister of Christ’s new covenant.  That said, Paul makes clear here that people are given different territories and different authorities.  Here’s what I know.  I’m a believer in Jesus Christ.  I have the Holy Spirit in me directing me on the right path.  And daily He expects me to follow Him and be obedient to Christ.

We shall never be ashamed to build people up using the authority of Jesus Christ.  Nor for destroying the proud sinful obstacles that keep people from God.

Men, husbands, dads.  Lead well.  Use your authority properly.  Do not go outside of your area of spiritual authority.  Your family is yours alone.  Respect the authority that others have over their family.  Build them up.  Help them, but may you never abuse others or usurp their God-given authority and responsibility.  

        And don’t confuse authority given by men as authority from God.  Stay within the boundaries of the work God has given you.  It is as broad as it should be right now.  I have more than enough responsibility with the authority God’s given me.  Pray for extended boundaries.  Pray for more territory and more helpful gifts, but be content with the plot God has given you to plant and harvest right now.  It is more than big enough.

        We know that it matters nothing what we say about ourselves or that others praise us.  It is only the commendation of God that matters.  That day will come (2 Corinthians 5:9-10).  

        Lord Jesus, please teach us how to pray, and show us how to use Your spiritual weapons well.  Help us to use the authority You give us well.  May we build people up today and encourage them, for we know God's Kingdom is advancing and the best is yet to come.  We are but shepherds here to serve others.  Help us to pray and preach with your power, grace, and eternal impact.  Amen.

Kayaking on the James River, Buchanan, VA


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