Galatians 1:11-24 - A Godsend

Samuel fishing Ivy Creek in Lynchburg, VA

There is some debate about whether or not the modern church can have apostles.  I’ll share with you my thoughts with the understanding I have to date.  Definitions matter.  I understand the word apostle to mean one sent forth and commissioned by God.  Jesus is God.  While on earth He had eleven apostles who stayed faithful to Him (Acts 1:13) and after His resurrection, He showed the 11 the man to replace Judas (the apostle who betrayed Jesus and guided those who arrested Jesus).  God saw meaning in having 12 apostles.  The Bible says that it was essential that the twelfth man was part of Jesus’ earthly ministry from Jesus’ baptism to His ascension as it was so important that the twelfth man have eye witness certainty in the resurrection of the Messiah (Acts 1:22).

        And so it was, just as Jesus promised, even after He ascended to heaven He was still with his apostles, and through the Holy Spirit Matthias (Acts 1:26) was appointed as the twelfth apostle of God.  We’ll find out more in heaven the importance of those twelve.

        Know for certain that God’s church is advancing, just as it has since Jesus founded it at Pentecost.  If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are a child of God.  Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, “you have won your battle with the evil one” (1 John 2:14-14).

So we see that God’s people, the Church, was founded by Jesus Christ with 12 men as His ministry apostles.  Yet we also see in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 and in this chapter of Galatians that an essential part of God’s church growth is the work of the person sent by God.  You know this in your heart, but I want you to be encouraged and more confident in God: God has a purpose for you (Psalm 57:2).  You were designed by God and He planned in advance good works for you to be a part of His Kingdom.  He gives you free will.  You can ignore refuse or rebel against your God-given purpose.  Or you can trust God and obediently follow Him in the wondrous adventure of building up men and women in Christ.  You are a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19) and as in all things fishing, the details matter.  Every conversation.  Every act of obedience, kind word, helpful gift, and every job finished completely matters.  In fishing, you must prepare.  Lures bought.  Knots tied well.  And understanding of where the fish are.  It all matters.  Become a master fisherman.  It does not happen overnight.  Truthfully, like Paul, John, and James, we grow to the day we die.  We are all children of the Most High and He will continue to teach us to fish until He calls us home to Him.

        Likewise, teamwork matters in fishing.  It sucks to fish alone.  It's much more fun with brothers in Christ.  One person has gifts that you don't.  When we recognize other's gifts and accept them as coworkers in Christ we are way more effective.  That's what we see in this passage.  Unity in Christ, just as Jesus willed it!

So, back to the question.  Can Almighty God commission and send forth a man to do His work today like He did with the early Church in Galatians?  Well, does your body have feet?  Eyes?  Ears?  Of course, God is the source of the spiritual gift of being sent forth and commissioned to proclaim God’s Holy Word to certain people at a certain time.  He always has done so and He will continue to do so until He returns (2 Peter 3).  We are not all ears.  We have different roles - never attempt a role that you know is not yours.  Embrace your gift from God.  Kindle the fire of confidence in your heart in God Almighty. 

Now, like Paul, it is essential to do our job without any boastful title and to understand that we, as part of the body of Christ may have various gifts and talents.  Never call yourself God’s special such and such, a “super apostle.”  We don’t all have the gift of doing miracles (1 Corinthians 12:10) or the gift of speaking in unknown languages or healing power.  But some children of God do.  If that’s you, use your gift well.  I’m 52 years old and I’m gaining insight into what God has gifted me to do.  I think it is to teach, encourage, and coach as a servant leader.  I know that God wants me to fish well and I know more than ever that God has a purpose for my life.  As He has for you and your life.

It is important to know what our King has enabled you to do, but don’t boast about it.  Our gifts are to help the King’s church, not to acquire trophies, titles, a bigger mansion, or worldly accomplishments.  Listen to what the Apostle John says in 1 John 2:27, “For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true - it is not a lie.  So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”  Our primary teacher is the Holy Spirit.  As Christ's followers, we need to have good teachers, but our primary teacher is the Holy Spirit.  That means we must open our Bibles and hear from and listen to God daily. 

When Jesus commissioned Paul, Paul did not rush out to consult with any human being.  God will direct and lead us.  He will give us certainty and courage to respond to His commission with Holy Spirit-directed action.  Go when the Holy Spirit says “Go!”  God gave Paul a healthy respect for the leaders in the church.  But as we will see in the next chapter there may come a time when you must speak out against selfishness in leadership as Paul boldly did with Peter.  That's how iron sharpens iron.

Be like Peter, James, and the first apostles.  They trusted God with confidence.  God has no favorites.  They knew this.  God's work must be done and His purposes will prevail.  He will continue to give men and women the responsibility to use the gifts He gives them in the way He designed.  Recognize the gifts God gives to others and build them up in those gifts (just as the apostles did with Paul - they welcomed him, encouraged him, and sent him on just as Jesus had taught them to do).  

        Lord Jesus, please give me eyes from you today.  Help me to see where I can serve and strengthen others.  May we give you honor in all we say and do.  Amen.

Fishing with my sons in Lynchburg, VA


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