2 Corinthians 3:1-6 - You are a Letter from God

God is making us more and more like Him.  Here we see the truth of the Good news.  When we believe in Jesus we have the veil taken away and we can finally see the glory of God and then, as if He’s writing a letter to others through us, we reflect the glory of God.  You are a letter from God to the world, a living portrait of God's glory and grace.

        God uses your life as a testimony about Christ.  You’ve heard it said the Saints are His ambassadors.  That’s true.  Our lives, for better or for worse, show what we value, who we resemble, and the result of God’s work in and through us.  We need God’s help.  We have to rely - fully depend- on Him.  God sets a firm sail and a strong rudder.  With God we are secure through even fierce gale and heavy rain.  Move today from a culture of fear to bold confidence in the future, victory, courage, and freedom in Christ.  The future is God’s and by being His child, ours.

The Christian’s qualifications are from God; Paul makes that clear.  Paul had many qualifications, but the only one that mattered was his commission from Christ.  God enables us to be ministers of his new covenant.  What a challenge.  A privilege.  An honor.  A calling.  A life mission.  We are ministers of Jesus Christ; ministers who don’t make false promises, but rather have something of infinite value to give.  The new covenant is of the Spirit of Christ.  It is not of written laws etched in rock or on paper.  Under this new covenant that we minister together with our Savior, we share the ultimate gift.  That is, under the new covenant of Jesus Christ, the Spirit gives people new life.  

Thanks be to God the Father for qualifying His Saints by the blood on the Cross.  Please increase our confidence in You today.  We are fragile sinners.  And yet with God, we are bold men and women.  Commissioned by the Most High.  We trust in God through Christ.  And we know our lives are a letter from Christ showing the result of His love and forgiveness for us with the infinite promise of goodness and grace.  Let us be bold and humbly confident in Jesus today and trust that we will see and reflect His glory.  Amen.

Abe Bell, National Gallery, London.


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