1 Corinthians 8:4-13 - Others First

In this and the next few Chapters God reminds us about the proper mindset for the Christian.  It’s a reminder, a caution, and a command.  We are to be others first people.  Not me first.  This is the example of Jesus, Peter, and Paul, and it is the model of leadership that we must instill in our families and our organizations.  Let us serve others well today.

Sadly, many of our churches (and governments and institutions) are filled from top to bottom with me first people.  We see leaders and elected officials who are happy to give as long as their needs are covered first.  They put themselves and their rights, freedoms, interests, proclivities, doctrinal distinctives, family interests, bank accounts, and hobbies first.  It’s a me-first world.  That is not the example of the Founders of the USA and it is not the example of the good Christian.  The problem with the me-first attitude is that it destroys people. It sends them to hell.  And it weakens the church.  James, Jesus’ little brother, saw the example of Christ and he agreed with Paul as he admonished us to “be willing to yield to others” (James 3:17).  Each of us will get many opportunities to do just that today.  

The Bible says that it is love that strengthens the church.  Love requires an others-first attitude.  Do you want a strong family?  A strong church?  Then let us hear and heed the Word of God in this and the following chapters and put others ahead.  Let us genuinely care about helping people grow and think about others’ interests.  That will keep others from being destroyed.  And it will do the same for you and me.

We may understand more than other people.  We may understand our freedom in Christ more.  But do not let that superior knowledge cause you to sin against God (8:12).

Believers are at different maturities.  Some people have a clear conscience and a strong understanding that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything.  We live for Him.  And they understand that there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom God made everything and through whom we have been given life (8:6).  If that is you then, great, be willing to walk alongside others and help them understand their freedom in Christ.  Some people believe in Jesus, but they have hearts ready to follow the world at the drop of a hat.  Don’t encourage them to do what they are convinced is wrong.  Their consciences will be seared.  They will grow toward the world and they will not grow toward God.

        When we sin against others by encouraging them to do something they believe is wrong, we are sinning against Christ.  Don’t force your freedom on others and cause them to be confused, doubt, and stumble.

        Lord Jesus.  Thank you for your Word.  Please guide me today.  Help me to put others first and to help others to grow closer to you.  I know that it is love that strengthens the church.  Please help me to be more loving.  Amen.

Kari in Yorktown, VA


  1. And, there is no doubt, that we have a Father who strengthens us to continue to do all things to put others first, even when doing so hurts us, knocks us down, and bruises our hearts. Where 'they' may look the other way, go on without speaking up and pretend there is no collateral damage to other(s).. Jesus sees and continues to carry us to where he needs us to continue to grow and shine His light. Love does not look away, but enables us to carry another in their need.


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