1 Corinthians 8:1-3 - Love Strengthens the Church

We encounter all sorts of Christians.  Especially now that I’m working for a Christian university I meet a lot of well-educated Christians.  You get a sense, pretty quickly, as to what drives a person.  Sometimes it is personal ambition and resentment for past injustices - the perpetually insecure.  Other times people want you to know how much they know.  Some are downright insufferable.  What’s impressive and always a gust of fresh air is the Christian man or woman who is clearly driven by love.  They may have 40 years of experience, multiple degrees, and incredible academic, physical, musical, vocal, and intellectual giftings, but you hear their heart for God and their love for others.  Their stories are rarely about themselves.  They lift others up and speak well of their spouses, know their strengths but feel no need to broadcast them.  They are the salt of the earth.  They are the sinew, tendons, and muscles of the Body of Christ.  They are sincere servant leaders.  It is love that strengthens the Church (8:1) - not what you know.

Don’t get me wrong, knowledge is essential.  God made us in His image.  We have amazing minds capable of processing and storing information.  But God looks not at our academic degrees, how many years in industry or the armed forces we have, or whether we are subject matter experts and how much we know on this or that subject.  I admit that I often want to be a know it all.  I like to think of myself as a bit of an all-rounder; I love history and ask me, I’d love to tell you about it!  But God looks at our character.  Are we driven by love and willing to fight and work for righteousness.  Or are we just another shill masquerading as a Christian?

God’s creation is vast.  It is truly beyond anything we attain.  As we delve into the fathomless depth of God’s knowledge, God’s Word penetrates deeper and deeper into our hearts and brings us the good life (Proverbs 4:21-22).  God wants to share his creation with us and He expects us to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and love.

God knows all about this world, the matter and elements of the earth and the universe, the laws of nature, the emotions and chemistry of mankind, and every subject flowing from creation.  This includes justice, mercy, forgiveness, righteousness, salvation, damnation, sin, evil, love, healing, reconciliation, and purpose.  But God knows much more than that.  He knows the beginning, all things that have transpired since then, and the motives of every man and woman to do or not do every good or shameful act or statement from birth to death.  For all time!  And yet that amount is like a floppy disk compared to what God knows.

God knows, nay, commands what the angels do.  He sees the powers and principalities of the unseen spiritual world.  He works out a path to achieve His purposes.  He knows what pleases Him by His Good character.  And He knows when His patience is satisfied and enough men and women trust in His Son.  He knows the day, nay, the hour of the return of His Son.  He knows His plan, His perfect, merciful, just plan.  

And God knows much more.  He knows the way of the future for all who trust in Jesus Christ.  He knows why He will have man, believers in Christ, judge the world.  And He knows why and how we will judge the angels.  He knows the look and purpose of the new creation including the bodies each of us will have.  And He knows He will keep His promises to us and that His gifts, His good and perfect gifts, are beyond our comprehension.

So yes, we all have some knowledge.  But it is our character in Christ that matters.  The one who knows and loves the Everlasting King is the one with the knowledge of eternal life.

Lord Jesus, thank you for creating the universe.  But much more, thank you for creating Adam and Eve; thank you for this life you’ve given us.  Thank you for the opportunity to study and work.  And to love.  Thank you for our loving families and for our loving church community.  Please help us to strengthen each other with love.  And thank you for your Wisdom.  May we seek you more today.  I love you, Lord God.  We love you.  I ask for your help to be a righteous man today and to think and do well.  Amen.

Ben - on a trip that he and I did together to Arizona - circa 2008


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