Romans 12:21 - Conquer Evil - By Doing Good

Brothers - Jack and Arch.

We conquer evil by doing Good.  We must hate what is wrong.  Hating something means we really don’t like it.  We don’t watch it on Netflix, we don’t fund it, promote it or participate in it at all.  The world is always watching us.  It knows we are different and it wants to see if we will cozy up to evil and play with it or if we truly reject it.

        But let’s make sure we have our categories right.  The biggest evil is often pride and arrogance - the things God detests.  Out of those characteristics (that seem to mark our modern leadership) come all sorts of abuse of other people.  When you think you are smarter and better than others and refuse to enjoy the company of ordinary people or associate with sick, lonely, or lowly people, you are showing gross arrogance.  We hear of so-called Christian leaders that don't go to church anymore.  They disobey the command to regularly fellowship and worship and share communion - they don't need church.  They've evolved from that and they are their own gods.  Their arrogance knows no bounds.

        That is not the mark of a Christian man.  Out of that type of arrogance flows selfishness, greed, envy, and sexual sin.  You put yourself on a pedestal - a special place for a really special person.  Little do you know, it is a gallows.  Romans 12 - God’s code of conduct - doesn’t apply to you, you say.  But you indeed will receive a special reward.  The devil protects his own.  But not on judgment day!

We must encourage each other with the words of this chapter, to hold tightly to what is good by how we exercise self-control and by what we do.

Love each other with brotherly love - unconditional love - and take delight in honoring each other.  That means recognizing in our friends and family the gifts God has indwelled them with; they will excel as God wills it.  Keep on praying!

Lord Jesus, you are Good.  You define goodness.  You show us how to act.  Let our actions as your people be worthy of the name, “Christians.”  Thank you, Jesus.  Amen.

Arch.  Five minutes after falling hard and cutting his lip open.


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