Romans 12:2-3 - Think Differently - Self-Evaluation

Sunset West of Calgary

Well, I guess we’re all part of the wrestling team.  Every human is.  We wrestle with ourselves, the world, and God.  Everyday.  God warns us here to get in the game, to play to win, and to have the mental toughness to know ourselves as we follow Him.

        Not to overuse the verb, but I’ve wrestled with this passage.  Frankly, most of my application of this passage is lame and insincere.  I haven’t taken the warning seriously.  Paul warns us with all the power and authority God gave him.  It seems Paul meant business.  What do we do with this warning?  How exactly do we allow God to transform our thinking?  How do we move from self-serving worldly ways and selfish ambition to seriously trusting God’s Way?  How do we practice counter-culture?  How do we think differently?  How do we learn God’s will?

        I suggest we start by getting the black hole of our human desire and deception out of the way (Proverbs 27:10).  We deceive ourselves with our foolish and simple self-evaluations.  Let’s stop that.  Lord God, I’ve failed your standards a thousand times a thousand.  I’ve loved sin and given lip service to following the Way.

This passage tells us we need a sober self-evaluation.  We know that we are easily puffed up and then sifted by Satan.  If we didn’t need to take precautions, God would not warn us as He does here.  Let us not be deceived.  Let’s fight to win - with God’s help and on God’s team, following His Way.  Let us love and serve others well today.  The other parts of God’s body are essential.  You and I belong to them - we are here today for them.  Stop bragging about tomorrow.  We have no idea what’s in store.  That’s it.  It’s not unnecessary self-flagellation.  It is the sober reality for the Christian.  God transforms us into new people by changing the way we think.  And that means getting honest with ourselves.

        Lord God, we know your Way is good, pleasing, and perfect.  We need your help and guidance today.  Amen.


Sylvan Lake, AB


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