Romans 2:1 - Increased Faith In Jesus

Paul is teaching us - directed by the Holy Spirit - that God’s justice requires righteousness.  No person on earth has an excuse.  We all have God’s law.  We are all guilty before God.  The law shows us how sinful we are.  And this passage shows us that we are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ - and that faith enables us to fulfill the law.  True children of God have new thinking and behavior because of a change of heart produced by God’s Spirit.  The thought of our judgment day before God is sobering.  We love Jesus because He loves us. He loves us so much that He died for us.  He forgives us and goes to great lengths to provide for and protect us. He has no favorites, but as God's children, we have his Spirit and His blessing. But we also fear Him because of who He is - who are we to even stand before Him for judgment?

It is incredible how puffed up and prideful we Christians get.  You don’t see that arrogance in the apostles.  You don’t see boasting in accomplishment, wealth, camps, or tribes.  Instead, you see humility.  Only God provides rescue from this God-forsaken world.  Our hope and our future are all up to God.  Yet what we do today matters significantly.

Here is the good news: there is no condemnation for true children of God.  But you are not a true child of God because you were born of Jewish parents or have gone through the ceremony of circumcision.  No, a true child of God is one whose heart is right with God.

Lord Jesus, please change my heart today.  Please increase my faith in you and protect me.  And help me to be obedient and strong, and faithful.  Lord God, please use your power to mold and change my heart today.  I need the righteousness that comes only from you, Jesus.  Amen.


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