Acts 28  - Don't Play Out the Clock

My Grandson, Jackson

We have considerable freedom today, as Paul did when he arrived in Rome. Freedom to provide for ourselves and to share God’s offer of salvation. Freedom to stay on the right path.

We see here (28:17) that Paul wasted no time in testifying about Jesus Christ - he was always on mission. Never play out the clock. Nobody wants to watch that game. It’s boring. And it’s not God’s style.

As we reflect on the message of the Acts church, I suggest a few things. We must draw closer to God and become purer, more like Jesus. We must turn away from worldly things to holiness and good living. The Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture. We must be in the Scripture to understand, teach and live out God’s way.

Paul’s message to the local Jewish leaders in this last chapter of Acts is the perfect setup for the next book, Romans. He declares that the Holy Spirit was right in what He said in Isaiah 6 about the message of salvation from God (28:25). God offered it to the Jews, but they hardened their hearts and closed their eyes to the fact that the Messiah had already come. They refused to believe.

And yet the Good News will be preached. God always has the final word.

We must boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about Jesus Christ. God desires all people to turn to him so that he will heal them. But he offers and does not force. Brothers and sisters, let’s boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Use your freedom today to work hard, welcome others in the name of Christ, and use this precious time well.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask the Holy Spirit to work through me (and you) today. And may He work through all believers today to keep his people on his path so that we may honor His name. Amen.

Ready to play.


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