Acts 25  - God’s Way: Patience, Opportunity, and Responsibility

In this series of Paul’s Caesarean defenses, we see the sin and weakness of the human judges and Paul’s incredible patience as he waits for Jesus’ time to get him to Rome.

The Roman court was in Caesarea.  Paul had to defend himself before Felix, Festus, and the political guest, King Agrippa.  Over two years! We see Felix’s evil actions as he refused to bring a judgment after the accusations were made and Paul’s defense given.  Felix was no godly judge.  His motives were based on selfish ambition.  He wanted a bribe from Paul, and he tried to win the favor of the Jewish leaders by keeping Paul in prison.  Who would you rather be, Paul or one of these long-forgotten wicked judges?  It is either short-term pain for long-term gain or the reverse.  You and I are responsible for working hard and doing God’s will today.

Roman law allowed no conviction without a trial and the opportunity to confront accusers and give a defense.  But after that, it seemed to be a Kangaroo court.  There were no rules on delay.  At least none followed.  And the rules on multiple trials and clear charges - deliberately ignored.

Notice that Paul does not argue that he’s a victim.  He sticks to the mission Jesus gave him as he trusted Jesus would rescue him and do what he’d promised.  And at every opportunity, Paul preached God’s Way, the Good News.

Jesus, please let me preach your Good News today.  And please let me prove I have a new heart and Holy Spirit guidance through the good things I do to help people today.  Please give my friends and family your favor today Lord God.  Amen.

Kari and Dad


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