Acts 25  - Be Ready to Go

Abraham and Solomon

Paul knew that he had to be ready to go. It was just a matter of time. Jesus would come through. And Paul would indeed preach the Gospel in the capital of the Roman Empire. The opportunity would present itself in God’s timing. Sometimes, just reminding ourselves of the trustworthiness of the Lion of Judah is enough to change the atmosphere. Like waking on the day of a long-planned trip. Knowing Jesus is always good to his word focuses our attention and sharpens our attentiveness.

We saw a few chapters back that Jesus encouraged Paul to be bold and confirmed that Paul would testify for God Almighty in Rome (23:11). Paul trusted Jesus. Two years later, Paul was still stuck in prison after unreasonable delay and injustice (25:17). Paul was waiting patiently for an opportunity to embark for Rome. Paul accepted the long delay and the injustice as a privilege.  All the while keeping his bags packed.

And the opportunity came. The devil intended the scheme to have Paul tried again in Jerusalem to be the end of Paul. Sinister. Tricky. Instead, that evil plan was the impetus that God used for Paul’s good and for God’s purposes.   When it was clear that another “trial” in Jerusalem would result in Paul’s death, Paul appealed his case to Caesar. Paul knew the law and used it well. God’s ways are creative. It made no sense to appeal to Caesar. This put Festus in a pickle. It’s all fun and games playing Kangaroo law until you have to explain yourself to a higher authority. There was no legal trial, no valid witnesses (other than Paul), no specific law violated, and no verdict of guilt. Paul knew that Festus had not given him due process (25:16). Yet Festus was weak and crooked. He feared the Jews, but he’d gladly send this religious case to Rome rather than risk having a Roman citizen murdered in Jerusalem due to his incompetence. The appeal to Caesar, as nonsensical as it was, gave Festus a needed out.  And put Paul on a ship to Rome.

Remember, we are often persecuted for ulterior motives. Our circumstances may not make sense. Keep faith in Jesus. Our mission to save souls and to love people as God loves is a constant. But be ready to go when God says move. God builds our character for increased challenges and responsibilities.

        Father God, may we be obedient to Jesus Christ and be humble and faithful to Him today. Right now. Amen.

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