Acts 22 - Due Process for the Citizen of Heaven - and of the USA

The law ought to protect people from frenzied zealots. We all have rights and privileges. The biblical example is that we can and should judiciously assert our rights as citizens of heaven and citizens of our country (v. 25). But today, we see the mobs forcing Christians into post-modern ideologies. Governments, accrediting bodies, and the media exert incredible pressure. By standing for freedom and voicing a godly perspective, you can quickly be canceled, deemed unacceptable, ignorant, and dangerous. How perverse. Yet how common in the experience of mankind. We must “serve the Lord with reverant fear and rejoice with trembling” (Psalm2:11). And we must recognize that God has a good plan and purpose: “For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain in it” (Proverbs 2:21).

        Thank God that He is the author and perfector of our faith. And the creator of everything, including the standards for justice. Our ancestors knew, as civilization has for thousands of years, that there ought not to be any punishment without due process. Even the godless Romans respected their own laws. The Jews in this passage were so infuriated that they wanted to kill Paul for his message. He dared say the trigger word, Gentiles. His message was that God loves all people. Believe it or not, that Message still triggers people today. It’s ok. Keep preaching it! There are more similarities than we think between A.D. 40 and A.D. 2023.

Don’t torture people to get them to confess. Don’t punish people without a trial. Seems pretty basic, right? And yet these ancient due process principles are largely unheeded in many spheres today. Today we convict by social media and social pressure. Mobs are alive and well. I suppose they ever will be. We seem to encourage lawlessness and mob rule and have officers and commanders (think the Canadian Freedom Convoy beating and trampling citizens in the snow in downtown Ottawa last February). These Roman soldiers feared the law and the requirement for due process. The RCMP used to be our pride and joy in Canada. With the way they attacked peaceful Canadians in the Freedom Convoy, they marred their once noble reputation as an institution of service, protection, and honorable calling. Where is the accountability today for our government officials? As citizens of heaven, we fear our God and our Saviour and also have a healthy respect for the law. That is the Christian Way.

Obviously, as we know all too well, the law can be an instrument of justice and can be used as an instrument of injustice. People are all fallen. We are all sinners. Without good laws, judges, and officers of the peace, we have anarchy or tyranny by those in power. Freedom is precious and fragile. Yet nothing is stronger or more powerful than Freedom in Christ.

We see here in this passage that Paul pleased Lord Jesus. From Paul’s first encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul always asked Jesus the most important question: what shall I do, Lord (22:10)? Paul was a faithful and bold witness for Jesus in Jerusalem. Please ask God that question right now: what shall I do, Lord?

        Can you imagine referring to your accusers as “Brothers and esteemed fathers” after they beat and tried to murder you? It is good to be respectful. Always. There is wisdom in fearing the Lord alone and trusting Him. I love how Jesus encourages Paul here. Jesus confirms to Paul that he will live to preach the Good News in Rome (v. 11).

It is good to call out corrupt hypocrites. Do so as encouraged by the Holy Spirit. And do so, recognizing that God loves all people and that the fight is spiritual.

It is also ok to recognize that the so-called religious leaders, like the Sadducees and Pharisees, are false prophets and instruments of evil. Paul defended himself by dividing the violent and wicked leading priests and high counsel against itself. Be as innocent as a dove and shrewd as a serpent (Matt. 10:16).

Lord Jesus, please help me be a bold, faithful witness. I need your encouragement. We all do. Please show us and guide us today. Thank you, Lord God. Amen.



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