Acts 13:1-3

Downtown Lynchburg, Virginia.

Time together. That’s what faithful Christians spend. We do life together. This passage shows that the Acts Church had prophets and teachers scattered and headquartered out of Antioch. This included Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul. They ate, fasted, prophesied, taught, prayed, and worshiped together. They did life together.

           When was the last time you heard of a great ministry team? An effective ministry team? If you look back at your life, some of your fondest memories are when you served with friends or worked together in a team setting. This chapter shows us what happens when whole regions and nations are won for Jesus Christ. This occurs when Christian men, led by the Holy Spirit, do what God asks them to do.

            Seek brothers in Christ (if you are a man) or sisters in Christ (if you are a woman). It takes effort to grow. But if you desire fellowship and mentoring, God will certainly provide it to you. If you have just joined a healthy Church, then make an effort to attend meetings, potlucks, etc. And make an effort to be interested in people. Ask lots of questions, and stop bragging about yourself. This means inviting people out for coffee, having them over to your house, and being the friend that you want to have.

Each of these early Church leaders was devoted to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Never lose sight of our earthly goal. We have one ultimate purpose. The purpose of every man and woman of God is to please Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:9-10). Simple. Yet hard.

We see lots of servant leadership in the Acts Church. But noticeable by absence is the bossman. There is no Senior Pastor, no Pope, and no CEO or dictator. The real Church doesn’t work like that. There is indeed a King. But men of God understand who He is, that His Kingdom is not of this world, and that His followers must not emulate the ways of this world. We must each humbly and boldly use our God-given gifts in obedience to the Holy Spirit without striving for titles and selfish ambition.

A mark of the Acts Churchman was obedience and service. When the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for the special work to which I have called them,” the men of the Acts Church obeyed. They laid their hands on Saul and Barnabas and sent them to do fantastic work of winning the whole island of Cyprus for God. I believe the brothers and sisters in Christ sincerely cheered them on and prayed earnestly for them after they left.

We’ve heard of the Great Awakening in America (in the 1700s) and various revivals. But it’s incredible as you read this chapter to contemplate the rapid growth of the Acts Church. We read here that God evangelized the whole island of Cyprus, from Jews to Gentiles and townspeople to the Governor, within just years of Jesus’ Rescue Mission on the Cross. The Holy Spirit indeed had extraordinary work for Paul and Barnabas. And they were just getting started. They went town by town, person by person, led by the Holy Spirit. Paul and Barnabas confronted evil head-on. If you are wondering what broken men like you and I can do today, we find the answers here. We can follow the example of the Acts Church and earnestly work together in unity to please God as we follow the Holy Spirit.

Barnabas and Paul were preparing for years for the spiritual battles that lay before them in Cyprus. They took one event at a time. One day at a time. One battle at a time. Every day is a day of the Lord God. May we successfully use this day for Him.

The Church is weak today because we are not devoted to Jesus and His way. We follow man-made systems and structures. We are worried about peer pressure and what those in the “mainstream” may say. Whatever that is. We are not a City on a Hill. Instead, we act with secrecy rather than transparency. We need accountability and responsibility. That will come. I know it will, as God will bring revival. We are addicted to worldly stuff - those addictions come so naturally. And they are hard to break - but not too hard for God. And we give false assurance rather than stark warnings. Barnabas exhorted and warned the believers to stay true to Jesus. We tend to pander to the masses today and tickle them with soft messages. Anything for a buck! And we don’t spend the time to teach and get to know each other. True friendship and teamwork are hard work. We don’t spend enough time together fasting, praying, worshiping, teaching, prophesying, and preparing for the Grand Campaign of the Cause of Christ.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We all know that, but it is true. He’s eternal. His message is just the same today as it was when Barnabas, Paul, and John Mark embarked on their first mission trip to Cyprus following the drive of the Holy Spirit.

Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit, please strengthen your Church today. We need it. We need to be strengthened. Help us to devote our time to working together, fasting, praying, preaching, teaching, prophesying, and worshiping You.  Let us know with conviction the truth and power of changed life. Prepare us to answer the false teachers who attack the Good News of Jesus Christ with lies and deceit. 

May many believe in Jesus and continue to obey Him through obedient Saints today.

Thank you for your deep love for us, Lord Jesus. We love you back. Amen.


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