Acts 10:9-48

Moraine Lake, Near Banff, Alberta

Cornelius and Peter were by culture and position, and occupation quite different. Yet they both had faith in God. Notice how the Holy Spirit only showed them part of what He was doing. God expects obedience. Almighty God only gives a complete picture in His timing, not ours. We will see through this section of Scripture and our life experience that while we rarely get the whole picture, what the Holy Spirit gives us is more than enough. The apostles relied on God, not themselves. There was no dictator. No super apostle. God doesn’t operate like that; he never has. There are leaders, yes, God-authorized servant leaders, but no dictators. You see the apostles' wisdom through this chapter and the following one: the apostles are perplexed by the circumstances, but they do not want to stand in God’s way. Let’s have that mindset. Let’s not let our traditions and hangups stand in God’s way. The apostles have to wrestle with serious questions about why God would like to give the privilege of salvation to Gentiles and what to do with their long-standing standards that seemed at odds with what the Holy Spirit was making plainly evident as to what He approved of.

Once Cornelius heard from the angel and sent his messengers, he already knew and trusted that God had and would provide a very important message for him. He knew that God would show him and those he loved and led how to receive salvation. Eternal salvation. Now that is faith! Trust Him when you don’t have the whole picture and when you are unsure how you will provide for your family or how your family will be blessed and protected by God. Believe that God will hear your prayers and answer your prayers. Cornelius called his relatives and close friends to listen to this important message (v. 24). Take God seriously today. He loves you immensely. And He has a message for you today.

And notice too that Peter, after seeing the vision of the large sheet and animals and hearing God’s voice, ‘Get up Peter; kill and eat them,” already believed God’s message. He didn’t understand it yet, but he believed God. He just wanted to know precisely what God was saying. God was patient with Peter. As he is with us. Peter needed confirmation. And he got it. Three times he saw the vision. And Peter got the message: God extending the privilege of eternal life to all people, making clean the previously unclean.

        Peter invited Corneliuss’ men to stay the night in the home, and he went with them the next day. Peter was now hearing Jesus loud and clear. And Peter responded by “feeding Jesus’ sheep.” Peter didn’t just see the perplexing vision; he trusted God was showing him something of eternal consequence, and he knew he needed to take risks and actions in obedience. Oh God of Creation, please show us your way today, your path for us, the good life in You.

Peter was following God’s lead. That’s what we do. Get God’s direction, and go. Get moving. Don’t sit back and wait for the entire plan. Act on God’s prodding, His invitation. Notice Peter’s words to Cornelius, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!” That’s God’s powerful message to us. Never bow to wealth, position, or supposed spiritual superiority (in Peter’s case - an apostle of Jesus). God wants us to see every human being - not by ethnicity, birth, language, class, wealth, or other dividers, but as fellow human beings. Stop idolizing men. Start listening to Jesus the Awesome One. And walk humbly in the privilege of being His.

And they talked together: Jesus’ rock, Peter, the fisherman from Galilee, and this influential Captain of the Italian Regiment - only God could arrange this sit down. You, too, will have meetings like this. You and I, ordinary men and women, will be given sit-downs with influential people and people from all sorts of backgrounds. We are equal before Christ. Be sincere in that situation. Speak and listen carefully as these God-ordained discussions have eternal consequences.

God arranges for His message to be shared. Here is what Peter told Cornelius about Jesus Christ:

  • In every nation, God accepts those who fear Him and do what is right (v. 35).

  • The message of Good News for the people of Israel (and for all people) is that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all (v. 36).

  • Jesus ministered and healed. He was murdered, but God raised him to life on the third day (v. 40).

  • Jesus appeared to his chosen witnesses (v. 41).

  • Jesus ordered his witnesses to preach everywhere and testify that Jesus is appointed by God to judge all (v. 42).

  • Jesus is the one all the prophets testified about, saying everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name (v. 43).

        God blesses those who hear and believe this message of Good News. More than that! The Holy Spirit poured out on Cornelius and his household as they listened to the Good News. This may not sound like a big deal. But it was earth-shaking for the apostles (as we will read about in the next chapter). And as the Holy Spirit pours out on believers today, it is equally earth-shaking.

Thank you, Lord God, for your message of life in You.  For the faithfulness of the saints. For those who believe even though they have not seen Him.  Help me to be obedient to You today, Lord God. May I have the opportunity and the courage to share your Good News message. Please bless my family and friends. Amen.

Ben and me, in DC



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