Acts 2:42-47

The Acts church is the real church. The exciting church. The joyous church. The Acts church is characterized by unity of purpose. Not uniformity – we don't all look the same way, come from the same backgrounds, have the same tastes, or have the same abilities. We are unified in declaring the goodness of God and His plan revealed in Jesus Christ. It's tempting to become a club, but the church is much more, and it's much more than a group of so-called good people superior to the local sinners. The Acts church is known for its love, generosity, humility, and kindness. Is that how our neighbors see us? I hope so!

The first church saw believers devoted to the apostles' teaching. That's what Christians do.   We listen and understand and hold fast to the teaching of Jesus and His apostles. We are God's people – we should be unique in this way: the whole community is focused on the apostles' teachings.

Yet somehow, much of the modern church has turned Christianity into a pyramid where the celebrity pastor is at the top, the priest, if you will. He's expected to be committed to God, summarizing his thoughts for the crowd on Sunday, the rest of the congregation, maybe not so much. Does that sound familiar? Yet that doesn't look at all like the Acts church. The Acts church, the real church of God's people, means all believers devoting "themselves" to the apostles' teaching. Each of us. Devoted. Every day. No gurus. All are devoted and committed to learning and obeying God. Of course, we need leaders and teachers, but that is NOT the defining characteristic. I think we've steered a little off-path. It's OK. We can turn to God right now.

         Next, we see fellowship. That means living together, time together, face to face – again, all believers – not just executives or other categories. All believers in fellowship.

                Then we see sharing in meals. Believers in Jesus Christ enjoy food together. When was the last time you were invited to another believer's house? When was the last time you invited someone over? I hope the answer is last week or this week. Anything else sucks - no offense!. This means opening our houses up to each other – often. Always. It characterizes us. Modern society does fast food. We have big homes, yet we don't share them. Don't wait for a minute. Christian men must share meals with other believers. Invite people over for meals, not just people that help you. Every meal is an opportunity to nourish the body and the soul. Christian families must share meals, as must Christian communities. Don't allow believers to be forgotten and left out just because they are old, widowed, or otherwise different. Sharing meals blesses the church and should characterize us. Every aspect of it. Before, during, and after – not with uniformity in method, but unity in the Cause of Christ.

         Next is prayer. All believers devote themselves to prayer together. Yes, we pray alone. But we are also characterized by praying together. This is where the church gets fun. This is where we see the Power of the Living God. Professionals must not control our group prayers. Being a 'Believer in Jesus Christ' is the qualification. If you believe, then you pray together. No degree is required. No suit is needed. No audition or credential is required. Believers pray together. There is unity in prayer. Prayer must still be orderly. And it must never be showy and selfish. Let's pray together! It's OK if we sound silly and unsure and needy. God wants us to pray. So pray!

         When the people of God act like the people of God, there will be a deep sense of awe about God, His purpose, His goodness, His miracles, and His wonders. The believers met together in one place. They shared everything they had. Yikes! Everything! That's a hard one. When was the last time you shared something – everything – with believers in Jesus Christ? When we read biographies and stories of great Christian men, C.S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, and the Apostle Peter, we see how much they shared with their best friends. They shared their time, talents, and treasures. That's what I want to do with my friends. Every week.

                   We, too, have freedom in Christ to share quality time without legalism and with sincere love. Some Christians don't share things with their wife, husband, or children. Needless to say, they don't share with their enemies or their neighbors. This selfishness and greed must change. We must share. We must be known for our generosity. If you are a Christian man, then you are generous. Not bragging and full of yourself; you are generous and overflowing with the love of God and the goodness of God. Stay away from anyone who claims to be a Christian and is not generous. Life is too short to be influenced by these men. Share time. Share money. Share things – share everything you have! Yeah, that's hard, but let's try it. Again, unity in the Cause of Christ – not uniformity in man-made rules and legalism.

                We don't need to tell others exactly what to do – just share something yourself. Start with yourself. I'll start with myself. When the church acts like children of the Most High, the Creator of everything, the nations tremble. God will show us those in need today. Maybe they need a meal. Perhaps a good ear to hear their problem or their story. May these characteristics of the Acts church be what characterizes us.

         Lord God, may we be full of great joy and generosity. May we praise the God of Heaven, and may we, God's people, enjoy the goodwill of all the people.

         Lord God, please help us act as you want us to. We seek your blessing and approval. Expand our fellowship with those who are being saved to eternal life with you. Amen.

Jackson and Archer.
Archer, Jackson, and Colton.




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