Galatians 5:18 - A Meaningful Life

Alas, we near the end of Galatians.  I love this book.  In this section, we read about our ability to decline the invitations of our human nature and to follow God.  It’s good stuff.  Powerful, life-changing truths of the Christian faith.

You are living a meaningful life.  You are making your mark right now.  How meaningful?  Well, that depends on what you do every day and the results God produces through you based on what you do.  That's what this passage tells us.  There are results, and then there are results.  Everyone makes an impact, but what kind of results you make and the sort of life you live is based on your decisions.  And the consequences are a big deal.  They impact this life and eternity.  I find that encouraging and exciting.  And sobering.

        We have ongoing decisions each day as to whom we follow.  We can follow our sinful nature or we can follow Christ.

We hear here that not everyone is enabled to follow Christ.  First, you must believe in Christ and accept Him as your Savior.  The Holy Spirit indwelling the believer is what enables us to be good, do good, become wise, and be Spirit-led in every part of our lives.

        Here is the great news.  Every person can respond to God’s offer of forgiveness.  Oh, how I wish everyone would accept the rescue offer of Jesus Christ.  Many more worldwide will put their lives in His hands today.  Thank God.  And then they can follow the One True God.  You see, as the Bible says, those who belong to Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there.  Do that today.  Every day.  That man or woman is then able, truly free, to follow the Spirit of Christ’s leading in every part of his or her life.

        This includes the first part of our day, the part where we get up and think about God, creation, our blessings, and our purpose in life.  Our work.  Our diet and exercise.  Our friendships.  Our service.  Our duties as a man or woman of God.  Our prayers.  Our language and the choice of words we use.  Our writing.  Our leadership.  Our neighborliness.  Our community service.  Our protection of our family and our fellow citizens.  Every part of our lives.  If I can be honest I confess that I often do well for part of the day.  I need to be an all-day Christian.

God promises us so much.  We see His promises in this passage of Scripture.  God is calling you to freedom.  It is God on the line!  Answer!  God keeps us from believing false teachings.  God warns and protects.  God gives us good desires.  He prompts and prods and tests and refines and disciplines and trains.

        He’s our Good Father.  God shows us the sort of life he wants us to live and the sort He abhors.  And God produces good results in our lives, fruits of the Holy Spirit.  These are gifts from God to us, rich relationships, and godly character.  God, the Holy One, allows us to know Him.  That is the privilege of this lifetime.

Oh Lord God, may I follow you in every part of my life today.  Please bless my family and friends.  Help more people accept your gift of salvation today and commit to following you in every part of their lives.  May we live good, meaningful lives.  You are our perfector, guide friend, and comfort in all things.  Amen.

Robert Lee, in Lexington, Virginia.


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