Galatians 2:1 - A Good Start

If you are a brand new Christian (or if you’ve been a Christian for decades) we see the example in this passage, the daily need to get and stay in fellowship with Christ.  We do that by starting the day in Scripture.  Make the Bible and the Holy Spirit speaking to you through the Bible your primary source.

We have the freedom to follow God with our whole hearts.  We see here the church fathers through Paul’s message to the Galatians showing that legalism and the law of the Jews had forever been replaced by the new covenant of Jesus Christ.  The Jewish regulations, including circumcision, animal sacrifice, food laws, etc. were all fulfilled and ended at the cross of Christ.  

        False Christians will try to enslave and force us to follow Jewish regulations and other man-made piety rules.  The law of Christ, the new covenant, is different.  It means we are free to obey God and serve people in love.  The early leaders of the Church, James, Peter, and John were the pillars of the church.  Thanks be to God we don’t have to wonder whether they indeed agreed with what Paul preached to the Galatians.  We have a record here of their agreement, acceptance of Paul as a co-worker in Christ, and their encouragement to Paul, Barnabas, Titus (and to us!) in these God-inspired words of the Bible.

        James, the half-brother of Jesus, likewise showed his agreement with the message of Galatians.  James focuses on the perfect law that sets us free, the law of Christ (James 1:22-25).  That message perfectly aligns with the message of freedom in Christ in this passage.  James says that true and genuine religion means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt us (James 1:27).  We can do that today.  We can put love into action and refuse to let the world corrupt us - no matter the challenges we face.

        People want to know if God is real and if He hears them.  All over the world, people want to know if it is worth it to accept the gift of forgiveness and new life that Jesus offers them.  If the life walking with God is good, different, rewarding, satisfying, just, and powerful.  The answer King David says, is, “yes!” (Pslam 58:10-11).  I echo that, yes, God is real and He is Good.

        Our marvelous God is the same for all times.  He never changes.  His justice never changes.  He fills the goldy with courage; His spirit makes them bold.  He makes the wicked meet disaster.  God truly does love every person and wants us, His prized possessions to love Him and follow Him.

        Let us be like James, Peter, John, and Paul.  Let us encourage each other to keep preaching salvation only through the Cross of Christ.  And Jesus, let us take seriously your charge to help the poor.  We love you Lord God, Amen.

Kari, Arch, and Colt.


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