Galatians 2:11-21 - Building Up What Jesus Tore Down

Notre Dame Cathedral (shortly before it was burned)

It seems easy to forget what God did for us.  Paul was shocked at how soon the Galatians turned away from the truth of faith and freedom in Jesus Christ (1:6).  Yet God’s Grace should be at the forefront of the Christian’s mind.  Daily.  Jesus died on the Cross.  He did this to make us right with our Heavenly Father.  We know this of course.  It even seems trite - no need to keep preaching it?

        But is it?  It seems we, like the mighty Peter, have a tendency to forget that we are now under a new law, a perfect law that sets us free.  Speak out.  Speak out against rulers of this world who scheme to concentrate their power and build up what Jesus tore down.  Be bold in Christ.

Are our churches, the culture of modern Christians, characterized by people afraid of what other people think of them?  You see that in this passage, Peter was afraid of criticism.  A culture of fear is not biblical.  It is from the devil.  Are we known as rules and regulations people, people who have rebuilt the old system of the law that Jesus tore down?  Do we, by our traditions and actions (our culture) of doing this and not doing that, show that we treat the grace of God as meaningless?  

Paul called out Peter and Barnabas’ hypocrisy.  We need to examine ourselves and our churches.  Where are the A.W. Tozers of today?  Who is calling the church to purity and freedom in Christ?  God is.  God’s word is doing that.  We need to examine ourselves and our churches.  Are we too led astray?  Do we teach that a person is only acceptable to God if he obeys religious traditions and the law of Moses?

Stop living by human performance measures.  Jesus empowers.  He never tempts us.  That’s our own desires that tempt us (James 1).  Jesus does not do that.  No man or woman is your Judge.  Jesus is.  But make sure that your faith is in Him alone (James 1).

Discard the Jewish laws.  This is required by Scripture (2:14).  Abandon trying to get right with God by your performance (2:17).  Stop it!  But be careful.  Now that you have won your battle with the evil one (1 James 2) the devil will put all sorts of obstacles in front of you and you’ll be reminded of the resilient power of your human nature.  Push on.  Be strong.  Those who escape from sin and accept divine guidance are free and joyful (Proverbs 29:18).

Living by man-made rules tramples on what Christ did for us and His command for how we should live now.  Never rebuild the old system of laws that Jesus tore down; stop trying to meet all the laws and the requirements of the traditions.  Instead focus on believing the message you heard about Jesus, a message of love, forgiveness, new life, and obedience to Christ.  A message to go and sin no more.  God will guide us and direct us daily to put our faith in Him in loving action and how not to sin.

Christ Jesus, we are excited about this new life in you.  But we are babies, needing care, direction, protection, and guidance.  Help us to grow into mature children of God.  We know You love us, God.  Thank you!  Please bless your church to love you and to understand you and to be like Lord Jesus today.  In power and grace, Amen.


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