1 Corinthians 2 - Evaluate all Things (Including Ourselves)

There is nothing wiser than God’s glorious plan.  God is preparing a mysterious home, an eternal home, for those who love Him (2:9).

Rely not on human wisdom, plans, or rulers.  All of that soon fades away and is forgotten.  God is working out an eternal plan.  He reveals it to us through His Spirit.

God gives us glimpses of His deep secrets through the mind of Christ.  You cannot understand the spiritual things of God without the Spirit of Christ.

Yet we who believe in and have accepted Christ Jesus as our God, our Lord, our Saviour, have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.  And we can evaluate all things (including an honest assessment of ourselves) (2:15).  It’s a sobering thought to me this morning.  I know how fallen and weak I am, how susceptible to sin.  Oh, to be of one mind with God, in thought and deed.  May we be of one mind today - united in thought and purpose through Almighty God.  

Lord Jesus, you are my Master.  I am an unworthy servant.  Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.  Please help me understand your good plan.  Help me to see what you want me to see.  Increase my trust and faith in you and your good, pleasing, perfect, eternal plan.  Amen.


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